Sheesh! January didn’t elapse. It evaporated. But I found some things to keep me off the streets and out of the taverns besides toting in firewood every day because, you know, January.
1) I have a shiny new store despite my continuing terror of dealing with websites as anything other than a consumer. After 2 months of struggling (public service announcement: internet apps are buggy and tech support people speak in tongues) I had the good sense to ask for help. From my daughter-in-law. Who knows this stuff. Who is gracious. She found the solution in the time it took me to make lunch. I’d love it if you took a look. You don’t have to buy anything. I’m making myself be brave enough to show it to you. I believe in teaching by example.
2) Speaking of being brave . . . I wrote the article I’ve needed to write for a long time. Tie your hats down and buckle up because I’m sticking my neck out with this one . . . except I’m not. Because the numbers don’t lie. And it’s not your fault you’ve been frustrated.
3) Over 800 of you have filled out the survey, “Your Biggest Knitting Challenge.” And just in case you thought I was kidding about that . . . for my latest article I downloaded an Excel version of the survey, filtered it for the word “gauge” and printed out 3 pages of your comments. There are only so many phone and email contacts I can make with you but know that I use your “multitudinous tales of knitting woe or glory”* for a worthy purpose. I treat your words like gold. Thank you for them.
Southern Hemisphere folks: Stay cool. Knit.
Northern Hemisphere folks: Stay warm. Knit.
* Thank you for that great phrase Christina